To celebrate the launch of Kostal in our portfolio, we have a special offer for you!

If you order a Kostal inverter from us between 30.01.25 and 28.02.25, you will receive one free PLENTICOIN per inverter


Kostal is a German solar manufacturer of intelligent and sustainable hybrid and battery inverters for the private and commercial sector as well as its own EV chargers and accessories.

Kostal was founded in 2006 as a separate branch of the Kostal Group and has stood for intelligent energy generation and utilisation ever since. Kostal continuously develops innovative solutions for the energy of the future so that Kostal customers can utilise ecological and clean energy – directly from their own roof.

In addition to the pure conversion of solar power, the focus is on storing and optimising the use of self-generated solar energy. The product portfolio is therefore supplemented by a wide range of monitoring solutions and a wallbox for charging electric vehicles.


Kostal EV-Charger

The KOSTAL AC EV Charger for your home for optimum charging of your electric car

Simply practical

  • Charging power up to max. 3.7 kW (1 ph) / 11 kW (3 ph)
  • Simply plug in and charge (no authorisation required)
  • Status information easily readable via LED display

Simply safe

  • Welding detection for external charging interruption
  • Temperature monitoring Protection against internal overtemperature

That speaks for itself

  • Future-proof due to compatibility with all vehicles (Mode 3 charging according to IEC 61851)
  • High-quality KOSTAL quality – Made in Germany
  • Warranty extension to 5 years thanks to Smart Warranty
  • Eligible for KfW subsidies

Range of functions

  • 7.5 m permanently connected type 2 AC charging cable
  • Outdoor installation possible thanks to protection class IP54
  • MODBUS RTU for connecting energy meters (e.g. KSEM)
  • Optional convenience functions via KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter
  • Solar or solar-optimised charging possible
  • Performance visualisation via the KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter web server, KOSTAL Solar Portal and KOSTAL Solar App


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